
Erica Weidler, MEd, MA, CCRC

Research Associate, Phoenix Children’s
Sexual Health Counselor & Educator, Phoenix Children’s
Assistant Professor, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix

Ms. Weidler has over 20 years of experience in clinical research and has been working at Phoenix Children’s since 2014 with the Reproductive Anomalies/Differences of Sex Development clinic alongside Dr. Kathleen van Leeuwen. Her research interests include social determinants of health; sexual health, quality of life, and positive body image; patient autonomy and shared decision-making; disclosure and education; and improving psychosocial outcomes in individuals with congenital conditions affecting reproductive development. More recently, Ms. Weidler has become a sexual health educator and counselor within the clinic and is a board-certified Apprentice in Sexology to better serve the patients with complex conditions.

She is also concurrently the site PI of an NIH R01 investigating psychosocial factors associated with longitudinal care of children with cleft palate, and she is managing a large 14-site U grant for children with velopharyngeal insufficiency.

She is a member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors & Therapists, the International Society for Sexual Medicine, Sexual Medicine Society of North America. She is also a member of the Society of Counseling Psychology, Division 17, the Society for Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, Division 44, and the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Division 54, of the American Psychological Association.